Git For System Admins – Justin Elliott & Scott Gallagher

Come and learn all about Git, the most popular and powerful distributed version control system. It’s not just for programmers, it’s one of the essential tools for any system admin that needs to keep track of scripts, files, server configs, Apple Remote Desktop computer lists, and more!

This session will cover the basics of Git installation to how to use it in your everyday workflows. This in turn will greatly enhance your productivity since you no longer have to worry about keeping multiple versions of your scripts.

The session will wrap up with the basics of using GitHub and SourceTree, two of the most popular Git GUI clients for OS X today.

jde6-largerJustin is one of the founding members of He has enjoyed working on Macs and UNIX for over 20 years, and as a Mac/UNIX systems admin since 1995. He finished his master’s degree in computer science in 1999 because he loved the torture.

At Penn State, he is the IT manager of the Mac and Linux teams for the Classroom and Lab Computing department in ITS. He is also a software developer and systems admin. He created and continues to develop “Blast Image Config”, a freeware OS X system image restore utility which is used to build and configure all of the 700+ lab Macs at Penn State.

SCOTT_GALLAGHERScott is currently juggling a few titles these days and likes to keep his hands in everything he can. He is the Web Manager/Developer (Plone) and Systems Administrator (Macs and *nix only! …no Windows please…except the ones to see outside) here at Penn State for the Social Science Research Institute. He loves to get involved in any project he can and automate it as much as possible. His favorite part of the day is when he can push some new code to his github repository and share it with other people. He is also excited to learn new ways to learn about implementing technology to help the end users (and sys admins/developers) do their jobs more efficiently, collaborate on projects with teammates, and teach technology to others. Scott is always down for a challenge whether it be IT or programming related and always willing to tackle anything new; so need help? Shoot him a line! (oh and he’s always down for an air guitar session too!)

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