Deploying 1400+ computers in 3 weeks? Are you nuts?!? – Sean Kaiser

Northmont’s 6 person technology department deployed 1250 MacBook Pros and 60 iMacs, redeployed 100 or so “newer” (one or two year old) machines into different locations, and retrieved nearly 1700 old machines (iBooks, eMacs, iMacs, Mac Minis, MacBooks) back to the district’s warehouse for disposal. And we did all of this in roughly 3 weeks during the school year. I’ll cover the process we went through and the tools (including deploystudio, puppet, munki, and some custom scripts) we used to successfully complete this project.

kaiserSean has been the Systems Integration Specialist at Northmont Schools in southwest Ohio near Dayton since 2000. In this position, he is responsible for maintaining the district’s technology infrastructure and implementing the tools necessary to support the district’s users (teachers, support staff, and students) in their use of technology.

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