Intro to Lab Creation & Managed Settings – Nick McSpadden

You’ve got a room full of Macs, and a bunch of users eager to get their hands on them. You need to deploy software, control the settings, and get them ready to go. Learn about setting up quick Munki deployment servers with a brief look at “no-imaging” techniques for deploying Macs, and then we’ll go into detail about how to manage and configure the clients. Learn about MCX settings, profiles, management strategies, and package deployments, hands-on.

mcspaddenAs Client Systems Manager, I’m in charge of all deployment of Macs, some PCs, and all iOS devices. We run a fleet of about 600 Macs and a growing fleet of about 300 iPads. We’re experimenting with different kinds of 1:1 programs with iPads among various grade levels to see how it fits.

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