Category Archives: MacAdmins 2019 Sessions

Sessions presented at the 2019 MacAdmins Conference

Going full cloud with Azure AD or Google Cloud Identity

Speakers: Yoann Gini Level: Fundamental, Lecture Excerpt: Going full cloud for an information system can be challenging, especially when it’s time to think about identity and device management. During this talk, we will walk through the Azure AD and Google … Continue reading

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Make your MDM Proactive and solve issues before they are problems

Speakers: Jon Goldman Level: Intermediate, Lecture Excerpt: Finding ways to utilize cloud services to extend your MDM and make it an automated part of your workflow without needing developer skills. Get an easy glance of the state of your network’s … Continue reading

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Notarization and macOS, what it does, why you need it, and how the OS handles things when you don?t have it.

Speakers: Tom Bridge Level: Intermediate, Lecture Excerpt: Beginning with macOS 10.14.5, macOS will be more aggressive about requiring notarization of some application binaries. What is notarization for? What does it ensure that developers do? How does it benefit you as … Continue reading

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The Joy of Semicolons

Speakers: Jason Broccardo Level: Fundamental, Lecture Excerpt: SQL is everywhere, and Mac admins are going to need some fluency with it. I want to help get you started even if I still can’t write a proper JOIN statement. Description: Beginning … Continue reading

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5 Years Later: Plexify Your Classrooms!

Speakers: Damien Barrett Level: Fundamental, Lecture Excerpt: VHS tapes are a dead technology. DVDs are dying a rapid death. But your teachers still need access to this media in their classrooms. Learn how can you future-proof your school with a … Continue reading

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