Speakers: Allister Banks, Ben Toms
Level: Advanced, Lecture
Excerpt: Between Ben Toms (of MacMule.com fame) and Allister Banks (of infamy), we let the audience decide wether vendor-provided tools and practices are more to their liking than open source or free solutions to MacAdmin problems.
Description: This talk is a face-off between folks with experience making Mac lifecycle management work from each side of the fence, with the audience rendering judgment. Split into 5 winner-takes all rounds, this year you get to see grown adults cry in public, and keyboard gangsters lay down the smite because someone on the internet is RONG.
We’ll go over solving the following problems with tools from the JAMF Casper Suite & the free and/or open source alternatives: everything imaging and deployment, remote assistance and orchestration, software management and licensing, configuration and settings, inventory and reporting.
Hopefully it all ends ‘happy clappy’, but these fighters are coming in no-holds-barred or punches pulled, so be ready for fireworks.
About the speakers
Allister Banks – Montefiore Medical Center (Twitter: sacrilicious)
Allister has had the honor of writing a book with Charles Edge (http://url.aru-b.com/packtbook), an article or two for MacTech Magazine, and speaking at conferences like this one. He lives in NYC, contributes to various open source projects, and speaks enough Japanese to order food.
Ben Toms – (Twitter: @macmuleblog)
Ben Toms is a Senior Infrastructure Ananlyst at Pentland Brands Plc, but is also known as macmule (https://macmule.com).
Ben can be found trying to help people across JAMFNation, MacE mailing list, twitter & IRC. As well as London Apple Admins which he helped to setup.