
MacAdmins Conference Resources

Below are links to slides and videos from our most recent conference.  Slides are posted the week after the conference (depending on speaker’s preference).  Videos will be posted a few weeks after the conference concludes. For content from previous conferences, visit our Resources Archive.

Conference Team Presentations

  • 2024 MacAdmins Opening Remarks (Slides)
  • 2024 MacAdmins Closing Remarks (Slides)


  • Best Practices Deploying Apple Devices – Apple Education (No slides)
  • Create autopkg recipes for software from scratch – James Stewart (Slides)
  • Dive into PowerShell on the Mac – John Welch (Slides)
  • Git for Mac Admins – Weldon Dodd, Mike Boylan (Slides)
  • Homelab 101: the alchemy, art, and science of a home lab – Adam Wickert, Bryan Heinz (Slides)
  • ITIL 4 – Is It Right For Me? – Pam Lefkowitz (Slides)
  • Learn How You Manage Mac Clients with GitOps – a Hands-On Walkthrough – Henry Stamerjohann, Éric Falconnier (Slides)
  • Managing Macs for n00bs – Damien Barrett, Robert Hammen, Adam Anklewicz (Slides)

Conference Sessions

  • A Contemporary Wi-Fi Toolkit for Apple System Administrators – Chris Dawe (Slides | Video)
  • Access to Jamf API: A Novel and secure Client-Side Approach – Chris Cohoon (Slides | Video)
  • Adopting an Active Update Cycle – Casey Scruggs (Slides | Video)
  • Awk, sed, grep: Together, we can change anything! – William Smith (Slides | Video)
  • AWKward no more: Text Processing Tricks for Macadmins – Enrique Lau (Slides | Video)
  • Best Practices for Deploying Platform SSO with Microsoft Entra ID – Michael Epping, Mark Morowczynski (Slides | Video)
  • Building Support Tools with a Purpose – Andrew Myers, Justin Henderson (Slides | Video)
  • Compliance for Overworked MacAdmins – Beth Johnson (Slides | Video)
  • Creating a framework for collaboration between tech and teachers in K-12 – Randy Saeks (Slides | Video)
  • Cybersecurity is more than having the right tools – Jon Brown (Slides | Video)
  • Delving the Depths of DDM – Joseph Chilcote (Slides | Video)
  • Deploying Jamf + Munki in a Lab Environment – Kyle Keilson (Slides | Video)
  • Device Management Strategies and Solutions: A Value-First Approach – Jackson Pavelka (Slides | Video)
  • Get more out of scripting than you may expect – Jon Brown (Slides | Video)
  • Holy Imposter Syndrome, Batman: Embracing Your Inner Tech Hero – Justin Esgar (Slides | Video)
  • Homebrew: Balancing the needs of IT, Security, and Engineering Teams at Scale – John Britton (Slides | Video)
  • How Apple Rolls: A Guide to Understanding What’s Next – Adam Selby (Slides | Video)
  • How the Personal Computer Peaked in 1984 – Charles Mangin (Slides | Video)
  • Intro to SwiftUI for macOS – Ryan Ball (Slides | Video)
  • Jamf App Installers & Software Update: Reclaim your time and sanity – Adam Derrick, David Goldberg (Slides | Video)
  • Leveraging Proxmox for email and virtually everything else. – Ben Greisler, John Soward (Slides | Video)
  • macOS 15: What You Need To Know – Robert Hammen (Slides | Video)
  • macOS application packaging 101 – Rich Trouton (Slides | Video)
  • Macs Factor: The Risks and Rewards of Single Sign On – Sean Rabbitt (Slides | Video)
  • Managed Apple IDs and You – Tom Bridge (Slides | Video)
  • Managing Apple Devices Through Automation – Oscar Reyes, Andrew Barnett (Slides | Video)
  • Managing Macs with Microsoft Intune – Sam Gibbs, Andrew Myers (Slides | Video)
  • Maximizing macOS: Insider Tips for Efficient Mac Administration – Nathan Felton, Dennis Wurster (Slides | Video)
  • Mentoring Technology Professionals – Tom Egan (Slides | Video)
  • N-U-D-G-E Spells Relief for macOS Updates! – Brad Chapman (Slides | Video)
  • Nuts and Bolts of Updating Apps – Justin Henderson, Chad Swarthout, Ryan Ball (Slides | Video)
  • Optimize DNS for Cloud Service Performance – Ben Greisler, John Soward (Slides | Video)
  • Passkeys! What are they? – Joe Scalone (Slides | Video)
  • Platform Single Sign On – Timothy Perfitt, Joel Rennich (Slides | Video)
  • Return to Service Interactive Lab – Adam Derrick (Slides | Video)
  • Rise of the Triad: Email you can trust. – Jarrod Coombes (Slides | Video)
  • Roll a Nat 20 with mSCP – John Mahlman IV (Slides | Video)
  • Signal vs noise: A case study on Apple device compliance with Conditional Access – Jeremy Reichman, John Woll (Slides | No recording)
  • So you want to be a project manager? – Matt Schnittker (Slides | No recording)
  • Spatial Computing/VR/XR/AR and Beyond – Alexander Smith (Slides | Video)
  • Squirrel! 2.0 How to be and Work With Neurodivergent’s in IT – Roger Herling, Jason Stanford (Slides | Video)
  • Supercharged CI/CD with GitHub and AWS: Extended Edition – Bryson Tyrrell (Slides | Video)
  • Unified System Logs – The key to root cause – Bryce Carlson (Slides | Video)
  • What your neurodivergent colleagues want you to know but are just too distracted to tell you – Charles Mangin, Kelly Guimont (Slides | Video)
  • Who Is Your “Wilson?” – Building An Apple IT Coalition – Chris Hart (Slides | Video)
  • Why in the world do you want to migrate systems? MDMs, IdPs, and more! – Chad Swarthout, Andrew Myers (Slides | Video)
  • Working with and Leveraging Data at Scale – Tom Larkin (Slides | Video)
  • Write the Right Thing: Documentation, Email, and Interface – Adam Codega (Slides | Video)
  • You Got Your Installomator in my swiftDialog! – Trevor Sysock (Slides | Video)

Sponsor Sessions

  • A tour of the house: DDM, automation & compliance at Zentral – Henry Stamerjohann (Slides | Video)
  • Advanced Third-Party Patching Strategies: FileWave, AutoPKG, WinGet and more! – Jonathan Kane (Slides | Video)
  • Bravas a Year Later: What’s New with the MultiOS MDM and IDP? – Yoann Gini (Slides | Video)
  • Custom Apps and Integrations in K-12 – D. Todd Weller (Slides | Video)
  • Elevate Your Shell Game: Swift CLI for Powerful, Simple Scripting on macOS – Chad Swarthout; Ryan Ball (Slides | Video)
  • GitHub Actions for Mac Admins (CI/CD) – Weldon Dodd; Mike Boylan (Slides | Video)
  • Mac Admins Foundation State of the Union – Chris Dawe; Tom Bridge; Becky Scott (Slides | Video)
  • Next-level device management with Fleet – Jack-Daniyel Strong; Brock Waters (Slides | Video)
  • Virtual Machines: New in Deployment, Development and Testing – Aleksandr Sursiakov (Slides | No recording)
  • Workbrew: A Deep Dive into the Enterprise Software Delivery Platform – John Britton (Slides | Video)

For content from previous conferences, visit our Resources Archive.