Moving to zsh

Speakers: Armin Briegel

Level: All Levels, Lecture

Excerpt: Apple has switched the default shell in Catalina from bash to zsh. What does that mean? How does that affect you and your users? Your management tools and scripts? We will explore the reasons and consequences of this change, how to move to zsh, and what benefits you can gain from “Moving to zsh.”

Description: “The default interactive shell is now zsh.”
You have probably seen this message since upgrading to Catalina when opening Terminal. In this session we will explore the history and possible reasons for this change. We will look at how it affects users and admins. We will look at some of the useful new features you can gain when switching to zsh, such as command prompts, powerful completions, and auto-suggestions. And we will look at how this might affect your management tools and scripting workflows.

About the speaker

Armin Briegel (Twitter: @scriptingosx) – Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author – Scripting OS X – Pro Warehouse

Armin Briegel has been managing Macs and their users for over twenty-five years and probably held most existing technical job titles at one time or another. He worked for nearly ten years at Apple in Germany and the US as a Systems Engineer, Consulting Engineer, and Solutions Architect. Then, he put theory into practice as a System Administrator at University of California. He currently works as a System Engineer at the Apple Authorized Enterprise Reseller Pro Warehouse in the Netherlands. He writes on his weblog, and has published four books

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