Creating Complex Workflows with Scripts and Casper

Speakers: Ben Bass Jehan Aziz

Level: Advanced, Lecture

Excerpt: Learn how Ben and Jehan extended Casper with bash scripts at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab and National Geographic.

Description: Ben will showcase how they used bash, rsync, osascript, and others to automate updating SMIME certificates.
Jehan will showcase how they utilized bash, rsync, pashua, jamfHelper, DEP, and others to automate data migrations for hardware upgrades.

About the speakers

Ben Bass – Macintosh Systems Engineer – Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (Twitter: benbass)

Ben has been playing with Macs since the mid 1990’s, and was thrilled to discover that people would actually pay him for his hobby. He has worked as a consultant and in-house tech in New York City, Connecticut, and the Washington DC area. He is currently getting paid for his hobby by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, where he works on making sure the overall Mac experience is as smooth as possible. Ben works on lab-wide projects to make sure the Mac users are as well taken care of as possible.

Jehan Aziz – Mr – Fox Networks Group (Twitter: @jaziz)

Jehan Aziz has been using and working on Macs at National Geographic for twenty years. The first ten years were as a Production Cartographer in the Maps division. He received an MBA from University of Maryland and moved to the Client Services and Support department as Manager of Apple Services. Jehan had been trying to bring the Casper Suite in for years. The population of Macs became the majority and the Casper Suite was finally approved in 2013. Jehan lives in Silver Spring, MD with his wife and dog.

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