2 years after 1400+ computers in 3 weeks. Are we still nuts?

Speakers: Sean Kaiser, Lucas Hall
Level: Foundational, BYOD Lab

Excerpt: A retrospective 2 years post a 1400+ computers deployment in 3 weeks, we’ll talk on how we did it then & how we would do it now, including what new tools, tips and tricks, if we had to do it again (which we do).

Description: 2 years after Northmont’s tech staff deployed (and redeployed) 1400 computers in 3 weeks, we’ll take a look at how things have changed in that time. As we added even more computers into our environment, we’ve had to update our deployment methods due to hardware changes. Software vendors have required us to change how we manage updates by rolling out updates far more often than ever before, so we’ve developed tools to help automate the process of staying current. We’ve also started installing different software and printers on a more granular basis to smaller groups of computers, which required us to rework how we organize our manifests in munki. And don’t forget OS updates, both major and minor, new management tools, online testing, and new team members. It’s been a wild but manageable ride, and we’ll share our experiences with you.

About the speakers

Sean Kaiser (@seankaiser)

Sean has been the Systems Integration Specialist at Northmont Schools in southwest Ohio near Dayton since 2000. In this position, he is responsible for maintaining the district’s technology infrastructure and implementing the tools necessary to support the district’s users (teachers, support staff, and students) in their use of technology.

Lucas Hall Northmont City Schools, Dayton, Ohio (@thelukanator)

I fix computers and stuff. Level II tech at Northmont Schools. Husband | Geek | Avid Leisure Kayaker

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