Absolute Manage as a Management and Deployment Tool for Macs

Speaker: David Knuth

Level: Intermediate, BYOD Lab

Excerpt: In this talk we’ll look at the Absolute Manage process for managing and deploying macs, including scripted management, new system induction, and day to day hands-on work.

Description: In this session we’ll be talking, in a fairly high-level way, about how the Absolute Manage suite both manages macs directly, as well as how it ties into existing tools and workflows in order to manage systems under a variety of conditions. It is my goal to introduce ideas covering means of software deployment, system standards compliance, and overall machine command and control as a broad-spectrum outline applicable to help desk and systems administrators.

We’ll also be looking at how our system can tie Macs into an existing Windows infrastructure and bring cross-platform system standards to bear in secured environments without a comprehensive, unified system management framework. With this in mind, we’ll also look at some strategies for replicating Windows security standards on Mac platforms and how that may be achieved, as well as how Absolute can play a role in streamlining this in new system deployment processes.

About the speaker

David Knuth Absolute Software (DavidKnuth3)

I have 14 years of experience in the Mac management community, as well as in systems administration in general. I have been with Absolute Software for two years, and specialize in Absolute integration into macintosh-centric environments and with Macintosh-centric tools

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