macOSLAPS – Randomized Local Admin Passwords

Speakers: Joshua Miller

Level: Intermediate, Lecture

Excerpt: Are you required to randomize the local admin password like the Windows clients? Look no further than a small python script that was developed to do just that. This session will highlight the use case of LAPS in our current environment and go over the customizations you can make to tailor to your environment.

Description: This session will cover the project and how to use it in an enterprise environment. It allows for an administrator to specify the local admin account to change, the length of the password and what characters they may want to exclude. Once completed the new password is then written back to Active Directory which can then be accessed just like the randomized Windows client local admin password.

About the speaker

Joshua Miller (Twitter: @joshuadmiller_) – Systems Administrator – The Pennsylvania State University

Josh, a former Windows System Administrator has fully embraced the world of Mac and the vibrant MacAdmin community. Currently, he works at Penn State for the College of Education where they have a 50/50 split of Macs and PCs. He works exclusively with OS X and iOS devices and designs the management system around these devices. Their goal is to empower their users to choose the software they need and have it “just work” on their device. In his spare time he enjoys classic and modern gaming as well as quoting famous lines from comedian John Mulaney, although both of these ventures do require prior written permission, signed in triplicate by his loving wife.

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